Monday, August 2, 2010

Peeking in the pantry plus a Davy feat!

I promised to keep you updated on our eating changes...and I think it's time for one!  Chris and I were taking stock last night of some things we've changed, how we're feeling, and other things we'd LIKE to change.
A few things we have changed:
  • Margarine - No more margarine for us!  We're using the real thing, baby. 
  • HFCS - I'm working towards eliminating high fructose corn syrup.  except for maybe Oreos.  I was horrified to discover HFCS in my yogurt this morning.  Guess I need another brand.
  • Eggs & milk:  I'm getting cage free, omega 3 eggs now instead of just the cheapest ones.  I'm also buying whole milk for the entire family instead of just Davy.  I still do want some chickens eventually and am beginning to wish I had room for a cow.  (for milk.  no cow slaughtering going on here.)
  • Bread:  Chris is eating Ezekiel bread; D and I are eating 100% whole wheat (that does still have HFCS)  =(   More on bread below.  
  • Flour.  traded whole wheat flour for the white stuff.  I've made an awesome chocolate cake, butterscotch bars, and now strawberry bread with the WW flour.  It's a touchdown as far as I'm concerned!  
  • Dinner from scratch:  I'm making so many of our meals from scratch now instead of using pre-packaged stuff. We're just not eating much pre-packaged at all anymore.  yay!
  • Our garden.  Oh, yes, our garden.  You've heard a lot about it already.  And it's still alive and well!  I have remembered to water it every day so far.  Are you proud?  
  • We are eating more fruits and veggies in general!  psst..and we like them!  I've been consciously thinking about retraining my palate so it likes what is actually good for it!  I made strawberry bread this morning and it was yummy!  Who knew there was such a thing? 
Things we'd LIKE to change (ie, next on the list!)
  • bread.  Chris LOVES the Ezekiel bread, but at $5.69 a loaf, that's painful!  No one eats it but him, because it's so expensive!  So I'm researching... growing sprouts and making my own bread, buying wheat and grinding the flour, or just making bread out of whole wheat flour, and trying to sort through to find the healthiest option that fits best with us. 
  • sugar.  I love sugar.  I love, love sugar.  and I love to make things that have sugar in it.  So I've been looking around for a healthy alternative to processed sugar and keep coming up Rapadura and Sucanat.  I also tried some stevia but I'm not a fan.  
  • caffeine.  Chris LOVES his energy drinks and doesn't currently exist without them.  They are full of yucky ingredients though, and we need totally cut out the caffeine and see how much MORE energy we have!  So it will be soon time to say goodbye to Coke and caffeinated chai.  I will do a little mourning there... hopefully I will find something fun to replace it with!  
Chris says he feels better though, so I'm glad.  That statement means a lot coming from him.  He's also eating what I'm cooking and even eating the leftovers!  We're having Italian Roast Wraps for dinner from Heavenly Homemakers; I'm anticipating yumminess!

Totally unrelated, Davy READ his first two words today!!  He sounded them out and READ them!  I'm so proud of him!  =)

Have a great day!


  1. what were the words that he read?

  2. Hi, Sarah! It's Debbie Guel, here. I clicked over to your blog from FB.
    First of all, your children are ADORABLE! You're so blessed!
    Secondly, I'm loving reading about your journey into healthier eating and living. It's very inspiring. And I'm excited to try out some of the recipes I saw on Heavenly Homemakers!
    I just wanted to share a site with you that I love cooking and baking from. It's called Kalyn's Kitchen:
    She started the blog after going on the South Beach Diet and posts recipes she's developed over the years. The reason I think you'll like it is because her recipes use whole grains, are low in sugar, and are absolutely delicious! I thought it might a good resource for you for healthier eating.
    I look forward to reading more blog posts from you!
